Name: David and HRosalyn Bornfleth
Business: Adoni Design
Medium: Stained Glass
Originally From: Charleston, SC
Now Located: Charleston, SC
How Did You Get Started?: David started in 2011. HRosalyn started in 2013. It first started in a tiny southern heat filled garage, with a hand-me-down grinder, glass cutter, clippers and whatever free glass we had on hand. This is where we found our love for stained glass. The idea of making something so beautiful for the home that traditionally is admired from a distance in church windows and historical building only fed the urge to perfect this form of art even more. Stained glass started with a passion only family and friends got to experience. Through the years we wanted to share this opportunity for everyone to be able to have such a beautifully unique and sacred art in their homes. Our work goes through a 3- step process; designing, construction and lastly sealing to make sure the piece will last for decades. This process takes many hours of meticulous work which can sometimes be 3 hours to 3 months.
What Do You Love About What You Do?: We design all of our pieces to allow sunlight to feed through the glass which reflects and radiates off the walls and throughout the space, making you feel the energy and passion of what we have created.
Mission Statement: Stained glass gives personality to light which is ever changing, ever growing and ever soaking in the story of their environments. We continue to challenge the ever changing idea of what stained glass is known for, and mold it into what we want it to become; a natural graceful beauty for all to enjoy and own.

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