Name: Rae Shealy
Business: Rae Shealy Photography
Medium: Wet Cyanotypes on 100% Cotton Rag Water Color Paper and Digital Photographs
Originally From: Charleston, SC
Now Located: Lexington, SC
How Did You Get Started?: I first fell in love with photography when I developed my first roll of film in a Photography 101 class. I then earned a BFA in Photography and have been making professional photographs for over a decade.
What Do You Love About What You Do?: The inner peace it brings me. The wet cyanotype series specifically: The unpredictability of the process.
Mission Statement: Rae is a mother, wife, photographer, world traveler, and garden enthusiast, all of which influence her photography.
Etc.: All botanicals in the wet cyanotype series were grown in my garden, dried, and then exposed with the Sun.